Instrument bookings are done via FOM. Only trained users can book the EMC instruments.
Helios 660 SEM/FIB
Internal (Rice) user fee: $60/hr .
External (academic & non-profit) user fee: $94/hr
External (industry) user fee: $240/hr
Titan Themis S/TEM
Internal (Rice) user fee: $80/hr-
External (academic & non-profit) user fee: $125/hr
External (industry) user fee: $325/hr
Half rates are available for after-hours (7pm-9am) and weekends.
Technician Assistance/Paid Work
An extra fee is charged for work done by a technician rather than a trained student/scientist, as follows:
Internal: $70/hr
External-not for profit: $110/hr
External-for profit: $120/hr