
The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) located at Rice University offers state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise for the study of nanomaterials and nanostructures at an atomic scale. We host a double-Cs corrected, mono-chromate FEI Titan Themis (S)TEM  and a Helios 660 SEM/FIB, along with a Protochip in-situ liquid cell holder, a Protochip heating & electric biasing holder, a ThermoFisher EMPAD detector for 4D-STEM, and an inSEM nanoindenter for FIB.

EMC was founded in 2015 under the School of Engineering at Rice University. A central mission of the EMC is advancing the electron microscopy research, education, and training of students at Rice University. The EMC also collaborates with researchers from other academic institutions and industries. More than 30 publications per year in high-profile journals utilized our equipment.

The EMC’s electron microscopes are open to all qualified users, whether from Rice or outside, for an hourly fee which varies according to the category of user. We offer training for both instruments and special holders/stages/detectors. Paid service work and full technician assistance for untrained individuals is available for an additional service fee. The EMC also offers tours for visitors, classes (MSNE 580/582), and workshops.

If you publish a paper containing data from the EMC, please acknowledge the facility with the suggested wording: “Electron microscopy results were obtained at the Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) of Rice University”.


Location: Brockman B05.

Contacts: Hua Guo, Wenhua Guo